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School corridor

Our Mission

to support school crisis prevention and promote the highest standard of safety for all students and teachers by creating classroom safe zones in every school. 

About Us

The Safe Zone Solution was founded by my wife, Natalie Sol, and me in 2023. As parents, we’ve experienced the sinking dread when the media broadcasts another school shooting.


On December 14, 2012 I was feeding my 11-month-old daughter and watching TV. The news of an elementary school with an active shooter broke on CNN.


As a survivor of a public shooting, I immediately went to intense compassion.

Please do not let these children have to endure the terror,  
powerlessness and horrors of that type of situation.

I prayed the shooter was interrupted, or that somehow the children found safety. Tragically, the news ticker revealed that among the victims were 20 children and six educators. I looked down at my daughter — realizing what had happened to those children and what those parents must have felt — and sobbed.


When you send your kids to school, you never want it to be the last time you see them. But with the increase in these tragedies, it’s hard not to let that fear creep in.


We don’t think that should be any parent’s reality.


That’s why we started The Safe Zone Solution. We believe every student and teacher should feel safe at school. That’s why we won’t stop until we’ve talked to every community member, parent, school board member and city councilor that we can — and educate them on The Safe Zone Solution.


Our three-tiered solution helps turn classrooms into safe zones in the event of a school shooting. Right now, our schools are vulnerable. We won’t rest until they have better safety measures installed.


The Safe Zone Solution is about accountability and making the necessary changes so children and teachers are not the victims of school shootings. Our mission is to return safety and a sense of peace back to our schools.


Our children deserve more from us. 


Let’s give them the best possible future, by protecting them now.

The School Safe Zone Solution is a

501(c)3 non-profit.

We are not affiliated with and have no financial interest in or gain from

any products referenced in our materials.

For more information, or to find out how you can help be a part of the solution,

please contact us at:

541-274-1449   |

© 2023 Safe Zone Solutions

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